😎😎 Welcome to my personal website! 😎😎

I am Wenyu Li, you can also call me Wind. I am now a third year undergraduate of South China University of Technology at Guangzhou, China, and you can find my CV here.

My research has primarily centered on information retrieval and text comprehension, leveraging advanced NLP techniques to bridge interdisciplinary domains. As I deepen my exploration of Large Language Models (LLMs), my goal is to expand my research to encompass a broader spectrum of LLM applications, moving beyond the realms of information understanding and retrieval.

Sincerely looking for 25fall Ph.D position!

🔥 News

  • 2024.05:  🎉🎉 I go to Singapore and attend The Web Conference 2024 on site!
  • 2024.05:  🎉🎉 I will start a new journey visiting Prof. Zhiyuan Liu at Tsinghua University!
  • 2024.04:  🎉🎉 Our paper Generating Diverse Criteria On-the-Fly to Improve Pointwise LLM Rankers has been put on Arxiv, welcome to have a look!
  • 2024.03:  🎉🎉 My first paper Zero-shot Explainable Mental Health Analysis on Social Media by Incorporating Mental Scales has been accepted by The Web Conference (WWW) 2024 as Short Paper!
  • 2023.07:  🎉🎉 I will start visiting Prof. Yue Zhang at Westlake University!
  • 2023.06:  🎉🎉 I have been granted my first China patent!
  • 2023.05:  🎉🎉 Our project “Design of a Depression Risk Assessment System Based on Psychological Scales and AIGC Large Models” secured a National Project Approval under the China College Students’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program!
  • 2023.03:  🎉🎉 Get the Future Innovation Award of Future Technology Taihu Innovation Award (Top 3%)!
  • 2023.03:  🎉🎉 Get the First class Science and Technology Innovation Award of Future Technology Taihu Innovation Award (Top 3%)!
  • 2023.01:  🎉🎉 Get the First Prize of Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling (APMCM) (Top 5%)!
  • 2022.01:  🎉🎉 Our project “Depression Tendency Analysis Chatbot Based on WeChat Official Accounts” secured a Guangdong Province Science and Technology Innovation Strategic Special Fund Project!

📝 Publications

COLM 2024 Under Review

Generating Diverse Criteria On-the-Fly to Improve Pointwise LLM Rankers

Fang Guo*, Wenyu Li*, Honglei Zhuang, Yun Luo, Yafu Li, Qi Zhu, Le Yan, Yue Zhang (* equal contribution)

  • We propose to build a ranker that generates ranking scores based on a set of criteria from various perspectives. These criteria are intended to direct each perspective in providing a distinct yet synergistic evaluation.
WWW 2024 Short Paper

Zero-shot Explainable Mental Health Analysis on Social Media by Incorporating Mental Scales

Wenyu Li, Yinuo Zhu, Xin Lin, Ming Li, Ziyue Jiang, Ziqian Zeng

  • Inspired by the psychological assessment practice of using scales to evaluate mental states, we propose MAIMS (Mental Analysis by Incorporating Mental Scales), incorporates two procedures via LLMs. First, the patient completes mental scales, and then the psychologist interprets the collected information from the mental scales and makes informed decisions.
  • Depression Risk Assessment Method and System Based on Psychological Scales and AIGC Large Models, China patent, Application Number: 2024103834530 (Under review)
    Wenyu Li, Ming Li, Yinuo Zhu, Xin Lin, Jinghao You, Ziyue Jiang

  • Wearable device based on arm somatosensory interaction technology, China Patent, CN110413126B
    Wenyu Li

🎖 Honors and Awards

  • 2023.11:  Third-Class South China University of Technology Scholarship.
  • 2023.11:  Third-class Excellence Group Enterprise Donated Scholarship.
  • 2023.03:  Future Innovation Award, Future Technology Taihu Innovation Award by Wuxi government.
  • 2023.03:  Study Abroad Innovation Award, Future Technology Taihu Innovation Award by Wuxi government.
  • 2023.03:  First-class Science and Technology Innovation Award, Future Technology Taihu Innovation Award by Wuxi government, .
  • 2023.03:  Third-class Academic Innovation Award, Future Technology Taihu Innovation Award by Wuxi government.
  • 2023.01:  First Prize, Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling.
  • 2022.12:  First-class Hong Ping Chang Qing Fund Student Science and Technology Innovation Competition Scholarship.
  • 2022.11:  Third-Class South China University of Technology Scholarship.
  • 2022.11:  Third-class TCL Enterprise Donated Scholarship.
  • 2022.10:  Second Prize, China National Collegiate Mathematics Modeling Competition (Guangdong Provincial Division).
  • 2022.06:  Second Prize, 12th MathorCup College Mathematical Modeling Competition.
  • 2021.11:  Second Prize, Future Technology - Baidu PaddlePaddle Cup Student Science and Technology Project Competition.

📖 Educations

  • 2021.06 - present, South China University of Technology, Bachelor’s degree.

🎓 Social Service

  • Conference Reviewer: IJCAI 2024

💻 Researches

  • 2024.05 - present, Visitor, working on LLMs factual retrieval augmented generation, supervised by Prof. Zhiyuan Liu, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
  • 2023.07 - present, Visiting Student, working on using LLMs to give a new solution to information retrieval, supervised by Prof. Yue Zhang, Westlake University, Hangzhou, China.
  • 2022.09 - 2023.06, Working on the design of a depression risk assessment system based on psychological scales and AIGC large models, surpervised by Principal Researcher Mo Yu, WeChat AI, Tecent, China.
  • 2019.10 - 2020.11, Working on a wearable device based on somatic interaction technology, supervised by Dr. Yadong Li, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China.

🩴 My Interesting Life

  • 2023.02, I cycled around Hainan Island in nine days, about 850 KM, there is also a video to record this.
Cycling around Hainan    Cycling around Hainan

  • 2022.10, I starred in a drama, which received an overwhelming response and received reports from Guangdong Province
Starring in a drama    Starring in a drama

  • I like football and travelling, especially with my friends and girlfriend.
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